Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is the best method for killing toenail fungus?

chop off your toes LOLWhat is the best method for killing toenail fungus?
cut nails,spray on 1/2 water and 1/2 peroxide mix after shower in the day time..and buy fungus for toes and feet medication.Put it on in the nightWhat is the best method for killing toenail fungus?
Strangulation or shooting.
u should talk to your doctor ASAP
This takes a few months, but it works:

1-2 cap-fuls Listerine in warm water.

Soak feet every night.

Apply Vicks vapor rub over toenails, between toes and feet.

wear socks to bed.

Chemicals such as Lamasil and Pendalac polish do not work, are harmful to the liver, and are expensive.

cut nails often.

change shoes daily.

wash shoes often

change socks daily.

wash and dry feet daily.

go barefoot if possible.
The pills which have to be prescribed by your doctor. You have to take them for a year. The topical medications work more slowly and can take over a year before you have new, non-fungi toenails that grow out.
amputation is drastic but 100% effective.

consult your pharmacist.
Buy something that gets rid of athletes foot.

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