Try Vicks vaporub on your toenails. You have to put it on your toenails several times a day for a very long time, but the medication you get from your doctor for this problem also takes a long time to work (you'll be on this medication for several months). The prescription medication can also affect your liver, so it need to be monitored by your doctor when you're on it. So, I would start with the Vicks first, since it is harmless to try that. Then if it doesn't work, get a prescription for the toenail fungus.Without going to the doctor how do i get rid of toenail fungus?
Soak your foot in white vinegar...fungus cannot live in an acidic environment. It may take some time before things are really looking good again as it sounds like you have it pretty bad. So soak daily for about 2 weeks and you should see some improvement. Remember that toenails take awhile to grow out so it may be a month or two before your toenails really look good again. If the skin on your feet is also flaky you may have athletes foot there itching or odor involved ?...if yes then get some athletes foot medicine in the drugstore. If no ...then use a product called Pretty Feet and Hands's a sloughing lotion that will make your feet extremely soft....the extra skin just rolls right off when you rub the lotion in and then you just wash your feet as usual.
Hope that helps you.
lamasil? it's over the counter
Most would say to go to a podiatrist. I just saw an answer that said to soak in warm water with a couple drops of tea tree oil in it and they were cured in 2 weeks....personally (not telling you to) but I would try that. Couldn't hurt.
You got an infection. Probably the shower you share with people or you were barefoot somewhere. You can look for medications or liquids to put on the nails. Usually in stores. You can also try what people here are suggesting. I'd do that first. Keep an eye on the left foot, because that thing can spread or even jump to the other foot.
You know this might sound gross butthe best way to cure alot of exterior foot fungis is to pee on them in the shower.
Every night before you go to bed, rub vick vaporizer, the one you rub on your neck and chest when you have a cold. Rub this between your toes and feet where there is fungus, and then put a sock on, and sleep like this for a couple of weeks until it's gone. My brothers had this too, and I told them about this remedy I read, and they tried it and after a couple of days it started to go away. Now they feel more confident and wear open toe shoes. I don't know what makes this work, but it's cheap and effective. Try it it, you'll be glad you did.
Get a guy with a foot fetish to lick them clean! lol
My mom swears by Vicks vapo rub! She uses it all the time. I've also heard listerine will do the trick! good luck!
I'm no expert but an old wives tale to take care of foot fungus is soak your toes in some vodka for a few minutes each day. I have no idea if this works or is even a good idea.
Here's another vote for Vicks. Just rub a small amount on your nail twice a day. As the nail grows, you'll see the new growth is clear and healthy. it's going to take some time (months) depending on how fast it grows, but it really does work. And it's cheap.
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