Friday, February 5, 2010

How can I get rid of yellow toenail fungus the natural way no drugs if I dont need to?

Tee tree essential oil is an anti fungal treatment that if applied every day (one drop per infected nail twice a day) will cure it. it will take several months for heathy nails to grow back, but it does work. another name for tea tree oil is Melaleuca alternifoliaHow can I get rid of yellow toenail fungus the natural way no drugs if I dont need to?
try anything with alcohol.soak them for about 15 minutes after you shower.How can I get rid of yellow toenail fungus the natural way no drugs if I dont need to?
Vics Vapor Rub has been known to do the trick...Just aplly it to the nails.... I know this works....
soak the affected toes in Listerine for 1/2 hour for a few days in a row. sounds retarded, but it really works (my boyfriend had some NASTY toenail fungus going on, and this worked in a snap, even with Lamasil and all those medicines, it'd go away %26amp; then come back, but he's been 100% free of it for about 6 months now). your toes will be stained green for a day or so, but don't you think that's worth it?
This might sound gross to you, but it really does work. My boyfriend had the same problem until he began soaking his feet in his own urine. The most effective urine is the first one in the morning. I understand that this might take some time, but another way would be to just simply urinate on your feet while taking a shower everyday.

Good Luck =%26gt;
LOTS of fresh air,no nail polish AND A VINEGAR-LACED FOOT-BATH

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